[TenTec] The QSK of QSK

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Aug 16 10:09:31 EDT 2004

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 09:49:47 -0400 (EDT), jsb at digistar.com wrote:

>I would venture a guess that this is because the Ten-Tec radios do a
>better job of QSK than any other product offering out there.

I own six radios that do very acceptable QSK. They are a K2/100, Omni A, 
Omni V, TS-850, FT100D, and IC-746. To say that Ten Tec radios are the 
only radios that do acceptable QSK (or even good QSK) is a religous 
statement, not a statement of fact.  I recently acquire a Titan 425 and a 
Hercules. The K2/100, Omni A, Omni V, and TS850 all do very good QSK 
with both of those amps. I haven't had time to try the 746 or FT100D, but I 
suspect they will too. 

Granted, some of these radios are much better than others in various 
ways. I mainly use the 746 on 50 MHz and 144 MHz, both CW and SSB, 
but it also is a reasonably good HF radio. I mainly use the FT100D as a 
mobile radio, and as a VHF/UHF FM base radio. The Omni A just went out 
to a young ham who just passed his General.  

Jim Brown  K9YC

Jim Brown
Audio Systems Group, Inc.

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