[spam] [TenTec] Orion - second week impressions and comparisons
aldermant at alltel.net
Tue Aug 17 12:58:57 EDT 2004
Now here is a ham for whom the Orion is a perfect match. To he** with Ten
Tec's reputation of building the best CW radio available. What's a good
reputation anyway?
Tom - W4BQF
----- Original Message -----
From: <N0KHQ at aol.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:24 AM
Subject: [spam] [TenTec] Orion - second week impressions and comparisons
> Hi Dave,
> I operate 100% SSB and listen more than I transmit. I've had my Orion
> May of this year and really do like the receivers.
> I use the stereo head phone jack to supply audio to a set of Altec Lansing
> Stereo speakers w/ a 60hz - 600hz Sub Woofer. The main VFO is Left and the
> VFO is Right. If you want to hear something pretty wild, plug your stereo
> phones in and listen that way.
> You will find out that if both VFO's are on the same frequency that the
> settings [prog] AGC will be different. In other words, lets say that your
on 40m,
> set the Main VFO AGC threshold to a value that causes the Hiss sound to go
> away. Repeat the same procedure for the Sub VFO. You will notice that the
> are different. The AGC settings on the Sub receiver will always be higher
> those on the Main VFO. Dont be afraid to use 6db or 12db of ATTN on the
> receiver. In most cases you wont need any ATTN on the Main receiver.
> The first thing I do every morning when I crank up the Orion is to set up
> each receiver for the band that I'm on. If I switch bands, I go through
the same
> procedure.
> I'm mess'in around with filters right now. I ordered an Inrad # 754 / 2.8
> which will go in the Orion 2.4 slot, the 2.4 will be moved to the 1.8 slot
> the 1.8 will be moved to the 1.0 slot, the 1.0 will be moved to the 500
slot and
> finally the 500 will be put up for safe keeping.
> Since you have a new Orion, the wiring for the mic connector is NOT as
> in the manual (page 9). The wiring is as follows:
> Pin #1 = Audio hot lead ( + ) Send
> Pin #2 = Audio Negative ( - ) Return
> MIc Shell = Audio cable shield (Ground)
> Pin # 3 = PTT
> Mic Shell = PTT ground
> Pin # 4 = Unchanged
> Call Paul Clinton at Ten-Tec if you have any questions.
> Where the Orion receivers really shine is on 160m, 75/80m and 40m.
> Have Fun. If you have any questions about the Orion's operation, please
> contact me "off list". I had plenty of people help me, so I'm just pass'in
it along.
> 73
> John / N0KHQ / St. Louis
> Always on 18.130
> Antennas:
> You can build 'em better than you can buy 'em
> Please visit the sites below:
> http://www.hamuniverse.com/antennas.html
> http://www.cebik.com/n0khq.html
> http://www.ssb-audio.com/forum/
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