[TenTec] re Ten Tec amps and ALC

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 18 18:04:53 EDT 2004

<<<Modern rigs and amps don't generally require ALC, and, in fact, ALC is 
generally not
recommended for many amps and rigs. As I understand it, ALC is mainly a 
from the "old days."  My Hercules 444 and Titan 425, both introduced in the 
early 80's,
DO have an ALC output.>>>

As far as I know, every recently designed rig and amp out there other than 
Ten Tec has
ALC jacks so, I presume, the amp can tell the exciter "I'm being overdriven! 
  Curb your enthusiasm!"
And this seems to me, to be a sensible thing to have, especially with amps 
that don't need much drive and have expensive tubes such as the 3cx800 amps. 
   The idea that the exciter has internal ALC controlling it so it won't go 
over 100 w. won't save you in this case.  Owners of grid driven amps using 
3-500s didn't have to sweat it very much but now, there are more 200 watt 
rigs appearing so even the Centurion/L4/2K/HF-2000/AL82/SB220 guys are 
vulnerable  (did I leave anyone out?  :).  Perhaps I'm missing the point of 
the amp to rig ALC link.  If everyone could just back off on the PA 
collector current to prevent overdrive I guess there would be no need for 
external ALC control but then I don't think I'd see rear panel ALC jacks on 
new rigs if that were true.


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