[TenTec] ORION QRQ Performance

al_lorona at agilent.com al_lorona at agilent.com
Fri Aug 20 12:39:23 EDT 2004

> The Orion can send CW over 42 wpm, but it starts changing 
> character timing
> about 42 wpm and gets worse as you increase above 42 wpm.

Okay. That's what I thought you said. Thank you.

> Don't try to make 68 wpm a hard and fast rule...MY Omni 6 
> will not send
> copyable CW above 68 wpm...others are +/-  (I only get to 
> operate mine, not
> yours!!)

Again, I understood this correctly, too. Thanks for clarifying.


> The Corsair 2 and the IC-781 will run full QSK at CW speeds 
> over 100wpm.
> Others may, but  I don't  test them, I use them if they are 
> on my desk.
> I am a user, not a test department!
> Tom - W4BQF

Wow. Tom, I am certainly not calling you a liar, but there are things in this statement that I simply cannot believe.

I hope this message has been clarifying for many folks. 

Al  W6LX


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