[TenTec] Re: Model 253 Autotuner

Chuck (Jack) Hawley c-hawley at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 24 21:11:16 EDT 2004

The auto tuner seems to need a new eeprom after repeated auto tuning...say
about a year. The fix for this was to put a socket in for easy replacement
of the eeprom (Ten-Tec). This shows up as a loss of one or more of the
memory positions (the memory of the tuning at a particular antenna switch
setting and band setting...there are 32 memory locations
altogether...combinations of antenna switch position and band info input).
The second thing I noticed is that if you turn off the tuner, and change the
band input with the tuner off, turning the tuner on now will cause a loss of
where the roller inductor is as far as the memory is concerned. The stored
settings will be wrong until you do a "realignment" of the roller coil so
the micro knows where it is.
Neither idiosyncrasy is a big deal...would be nice not to have them.
I also wish I had a better sense of where the roller coil and capacitor
settings were for a particular tuning. I thought of putting a 10 led display
in...or maybe a 10 bit DAC and a meter...and something for the roller coil.
But,  I still love this thing.
Chuck, KE9UW

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Peg Haese
> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:04 PM
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] Re: Model 253 Autotuner
> Chuck, would you or anyone else care to say exactly what 253 tuner
> refinements are necessary? I got one several months ago for the Omni V and
> Herc II but have never hooked it up. I did get a cable from
> Riley's for the
> trio.
> Peg KB9LIE in SW Wisconsin
> PS to list: Our Delta II has moved on to the shack of Larry KC9CSQ, who
> could not talk me out of my Jupiter. We are thinking of replacing
> the Delta
> with a (gasp) Kenwood TS-50S with CW filter. Comments and suggestions on
> alternates are invited. Size and good QSK are major requirements.
> The TS-480 is not being considered. Sure wish TT made a small 100-watt
> mobile/base rig!
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Subject: RE: [TenTec] Hercules Amps and  Model 253 Autotuners
> >
> > When they were sold new by Ten-Tec, they were probably also a bargain
> although the tuner did need some refinement as to some operational
> idiosyncrasies.
> > Chuck, KE9UW

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