[TenTec] Titan 425 and TS-2000

Nick Sinanis F5VIH/SV3SJ f5vih at free.fr
Sun Dec 5 07:45:56 EST 2004


has anybody tried or has suggestions how to get a TS-2000 keying the 
Titan 425 using the key-in and the key-out of 425? I am interested in 
QSK and Id'like to be on the safe side before firing it up.

 From what I can figure out of the TS-2k manual, pin 4 of the REMOTE 
connector goes into KeyIN of the 425. This looks to be enough if one has 
enabled the external amplifier menu option of the TS2k - which then it 
takes care of the sequencing.

Pin3 of the REMOTE connector is more for an external source of keyeing 
e.g. a PC rather than to be connected to the KeyOUT of 425 - is that 

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions you are willing to share.

73's Nick SV3SJ/F5VIH

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