[TenTec] Corsair II PTO

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at qsl.net
Tue Dec 7 20:42:19 EST 2004


There is a temperature compensating capacitor in the PTO that is 
selected during assembly. Some are better than others. You may have to 
change the value. I believe it is an N750 type. See which way the PTO 
drifts and change the cap accordingly. I think around 10 pf is an 
average value.


				Bob WB2VUF

Paul DeWitte K9OT wrote:

> My Corsair II will drift 4 or 500HZ until warmed up. Does a PTO rebuild take care of this? Or do you do rebuilds just because of the hard grease? I have no problem with the turning of the vfo just the drift.
> Thanks for any response.
> 73 Paul K9OT
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