[TenTec] Re: Orion

Tommy aldermant at alltel.net
Thu Dec 9 19:08:35 EST 2004

"As an innocent bystander in this whole thing, I feel the pain of 
those who are experiencing problems, and I can't for the life of me 
understand it when one guy tells another, "I don't have that problem 

Al  W6LX"

Your absolutely correct Al. When you try to obtain help from other's 
who make such a post, to find out what they are doing right and I'm 
not,  you quickly find out they are not running the same 
configuration. They are either not using a Ten Tec amplifier, or 
they are not using the Keying Loop, etc. It just makes the problem's 
more frustrating. I made the mistake one time of stating that I do, 
among other things, high speed CW. It is unbelievable how many of 
our hams get so dad-blamed hung up on that one statement. It is 
totally irevellant to the problems I have posted.

Anyway, there are other solutions, especially when you can't get any 
feed back from a trusted manufacturer in some 19 months.

Tom - W4BQF 

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