[TenTec] Corsair II vs Omni VI+

Paul DeWitte K9OT k9ot at mhtc.net
Fri Dec 10 13:38:17 EST 2004

I have been playing the last couple of days (nights) on 80&160m listening on both the Corsair II and my Omni VI+. I can switch back and forth between either radio using the same ant, so I can compare the same signal on either radio using the same ant.
I have found that anything that I hear on the Omni VI+ I can hear on the Corsair II as well or better, regardless of using NR and ,or any combinatin of filters in the Omni.

This is on a fairly empty band. Not in a contest situation where like in the ARRL 160 people would park 200hz away from you and start calling CQ. I think the Omni VI+ has it over the Corsair II for close in interference.

I find that the receiever in the CorsairII is quieter that the Omni VI+ on the same ant. Easier to Listen to for long periods of time.

My question is, for those that have tried this, do you find the same thing that I am? Is there something wrong with the Omni VI+ that it does not hear better than the Corsair II? Am I missing something?
Since I like both radios I am just curious and not wanting to get rid of either one.

Thanks 73 Paul K9OT

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