[TenTec]omni-d (genealogy)

Carl Moreschi n4py at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 10 21:13:19 EST 2004


This was done about a year ago or so on this reflector.  But I will try from
memory to give the genealogy.

After the Omni C, the main transceiver evolution continued as follows:

Corsair II
Omni V
Omni VI
Paragon II

There were of course many side branches for all the other transceivers.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
Franklinton, NC
----- Original Message -----
From: <Able2fly at aol.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Cc: <n4py at earthlink.net>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec]omni-d (genealogy)

> Karl,
> Thanks for the history lesson (as far as it went).  Could you please carry
> a bit farther to include the Paragons,  Corsairs, and the ensuing  Omnis.
> it  hasn't been done already, it'd be nice for someone to compile a Ten
> time  line listing all the transceivers and their features. It'd be sad to
> the memory such a rich part of hamdom's past lost altogether.
> 73,
> Bill   K3UJ
> ===========================================================
> <Karl wrote:>
> The original Omni's were as follows:
> Omni A  - Analog  version
> Omni D -  Digital version
> Then came the series B  modification which added two additional IF filter
> slots, 30 meter receive and  an AUX band position.  So this made
> Omni A Series B - Analog  Version
> Omni D Series B - Digital Version
> Later, TenTec had an upgrade  kit that added the 12 meter band to the AUX
> position, and 30 meter transmit  to the above radios.
> Finally, the Omni Series C came out.  It was  available only in digital.
> added the 18 mhz band, individual  selection of IF and audio filter, and
> 73,
> Carl Moreschi  N4PY

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