[TenTec] Corsair II vs Omni VI+ (longish...)

WF2U wf2u at starband.net
Fri Dec 10 22:12:59 EST 2004

I asked the same question about a month ago, when I just got an Omni VI
Opt.3, and a few days later and Omni C and a Corsair (first model). After
playing with the 3 of them - I'm mainly interested in weak signal CW, and
occasional ragchewing in CW and SSB.
I also work AM/CW with vintage tube gear. My previous "main" transceiver was
an Icom 756, which really didn't cut the mustard with its receiver. I could
hear weak signals better on almost any vintage tube receiver, and the DSP
didn't make the noisy receiver that much better. After doing research on
transceiver receivers, it boiled down to the Elecraft K2 and the Omni VI as
the best receivers (with the exception of the Orion main receiver). I like
the K2 but I don't care for the tiny controls, so I chose the Omni VI. I
tried to figure out whether I can go "on the cheap" and maybe just keep
either the Corsair or the Omni C if the Omni VI performs just the same.
Well, I like all 3 of them! The Omni-C has the best audio quality, and it's
a great casual rag-chewing rig, has a very quiet receiver, with excellent
sensitivity. Lacking pass-band tuning, it probably falls a bit short in very
crowded band conditions.
The Corsair is nice, and as far as I could tell is also quiet and sensitive.
I think the Omni C and Corsair sensitivity are about equal. The audio of the
Corsair sounds a bit flatter than the Omni C. The PBT makes the Corsair a
better crowded band performer. The Omni VI DSP is great - the apparent boost
on most weak signals makes copying significantly easier, especially when the
band is crowded. I don't think that the Omni VI is more sensitive than the
Corsair or the Omni C, and I don't have very strong blocking signals around
here to evaluate that aspect. If anything, just because of the audio quality
of the Omni-C, it seems that it is the quietest of the 3, but it's only

All in all - with all three of these rigs side by side in my operating
position thinking which one(s) to get rid of and which one to keep, I
started to feel about these T-T radios like with potato chips: you can't
have only one, so all 3 are staying...

As to the Orion, I like almost everything about the features and performance
(disregarding the software glitches for now), but personally I won't spend
that kind of money on it as personally I don't need the general coverage
sub-receiver and I don't want to pay for something I don't need. The Orion
with just the main ham band only receiver would be a great rig in the
footsteps of the Omni VI. If I want to do SWL'ing, I can use any general
coverage receiver.

My 2 cents' worth...

73, Meir WF2U
Landrum, SC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of OTAKEBI at aol.com
> Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 6:49 PM
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair II vs Omni VI+
> The Corsair II is the best radio that TT made.
> If you can't hear it with the Corsair II it is not there.
> Add an outboard DSP filter and an equalizer for the mike and it can't be
> surpassed.
> Have not used an Orion yet so I can't compare it but I can
> compare it to the
> OMNI V - 6+
> The Corsair wins hands down as far as I have seen.
> Orion seems to be the all out winner as far as specs but it is a
> different
> type of radio.
> Dan/N4VET

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