[TenTec] Orion Mic Woe's

Toby Pennington toby423 at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 11 15:51:06 EST 2004

Eric, Sounds like you are on the right track now.  Before you take down the 
G5RV, unhook your RF ground from the Orion ( if you are on the second floor, 
it may be too long) and also unhook the external speaker, and any other 
accessory that is connected to the Orion.  Then see if the RF is still there 
with the G5RV. If it goes away with all accessories unhooked, try hooking 
back up each accessory one at a time and each time you hook up an accessory 
see if and when the RF returns. If you find that hooking up the Expernal 
Speaker (for example) brings the RF back, you will need to put a toroid at 
the input of that speaker and see if it cures the problem.  These are simple 
thing to try, and  it is possible that RF is coming in on one of the 

Toby W4CAK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric SENSI" <eric.sensi at skynet.be>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 3:01 PM
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Orion Mic Woe's

> Well,
> It is suggested to verify some things, but rewiring the mic is not 
> mandatory
> IMO.
> I have a serious RF problem with my G5RV wire antenna and I think I'll 
> drop
> down this antenna tomorrow if I can, I own several models of wire antenna
> that I could swap to see if my problems could not be cured that way.
> Stand-by everybody for the time being, I'll try another antenna
> configuration as soon as possible.
> 40m => okay
> 20m => can't work on this band
> 15m => can't work on this band
> 10m => okay
> On the vertical antenna R7, everything is okay on all bands.
> On the dummy load, it's okay too, so I think the G5RV and the radio shack 
> at
> the 2 floor is the problem.
> I have no other mike to connect to the Orion, the 706 is the only one.
> I'll try to do my best to cure this because I wanted to keep my Orion.
> 73's, ERic.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : tentec-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]De la part de W4ABW at aol.com
> Envoye : samedi 11 decembre 2004 20:36
> A : tentec at contesting.com
> Objet : Re: [TenTec] Orion Mic Woe's
> Am I reading all this right ? If you buy the Orion and the matching mic, 
> you
> need to re-wire the radio or mic before it will work properly ?
> Tnx
> Al
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