[TenTec] What's an SDR?

Martin AA6E msembx-aa6e at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 14 11:24:35 EST 2004


Thanks for the memory boost.  This is a glass half
full or half empty kind of thing.  Do we have an SDR
with a big frontend or a normal radio with an SDR
backend, etc.

An important aspect SDR is flexibility.  For example,
by software changes, you can install a new modulation
mode or a new AGC strategy.  The TT SDR story for me
would be _very_ much better if the software (firmware)
were user customizable.  

I'd vote for open source.  [Publish it like you
publish the schematics.] Even if I didn't want to roll
my own, I'd have a chance of understanding what the
"NR" or "AGC" controls really do if I could read the
source code.

73, Martin AA6E

--- "Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales"
<sales at tentec.com> wrote:

> The Orion and Jupiter are SDR's.

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