[TenTec] Orion: going back zu 1.371, read why

Toby Pennington toby423 at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 19 14:51:13 EST 2004

Harry, sorry to hear about all the problems with 1.372.  The last version 
1.371 was very stable and without any improvments would be just fine for 
most operators. But 1.372 is going to take us up to a new level of operating 
proficency once the bugs are worked out. By the  way, the engineering crew 
at TT are busy now getting things fixed.  The beauty of all this is that you 
do have the option of going back to a version that you liked, and just  keep 
on operating until all the issues that concern you are fixed.

Please report your issues to Ten-Tec so they will be aware of your concerns. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DK2GZ at aol.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 2:18 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Orion: going back zu 1.371, read why

> Hello TT-Fans,
> I decided to go back to firmware 1.371 today.
> I am doing 99% CW this this radio.
> Why did I reload the 1.371 firmware:
> 1.    the new keyer function does not work for me,  still stuck in cutis B
> when
>       power on the Orion and I cannot see  any difference between the A 
> and
> B mode
>       the only solution is the do a master  reset every time you power on
> the Orion
>       The OMNI 6* have a better keyer timing  for my operating style
> 2.    the headphone click when you are using a qsk delay  less 8%
>       yes the qsk in faster in 1.372, but it  you have the clicks in the
> headphone
>        and you have to reduce the  qsk-speed to 8% to reduce the click, 
> you
> are in the same
>        speed range as with the  1.371 firmware
> 3.     lost the 2. RX nearly every day after power on  the Orion, mostly 
> when
> the 2. RX
>        is listen on 80 meter CW, will  not power on the Orion twice a day 
> in
> serie
> 4.     17 Meter TX problem
>        often had a extremly current  consumption on 17 meter when powering
> the Orion on, so
>        my power supply does not  deliever 40 amp and more on 12 volt.
> Sometimes this
>        problem was gone when I  switch to 15 meter did a few dit dit dit 
> and
> switch back to
>        17 meter, but not this  sunday!
> 5.     got several times a funny sounding main-receiver  when using the AN 
> on
> SSB mode and
>        switch back CW and turn  off the AN
> 6.    the NR does not work as nicely as with 1.371
> Yes I did several master reset and also one time a RAM CLEAR and master
> reset again.
> Yes I know the things that solved with 1.372:
> 1.     the roofing filter kick in is now analog  with the BW
> 2.     the RFGAIN is working better now, but the  RX was fine also before
> 3.     the Voice-keyer should work now better, but  never used the Orion 
> in
> SSB in TX mode
> 4.     the keying loop with ACOM amps should work now,  never used a ACOM,
> still
>        using the old Centurion with the  amp-keyling line, did not perform
> the Centurion mode
>        for the older Centurion  amps
> So why I should use the 1.372 firmware as an 99% CW OP?
> But also with 1.371 I having one thing that I cant solve up to now:
> On 20 meter and up I have an offset of -160 HZ in CW to the frequency read
> out.
> On the low bands 160/80/40/30 I do not have these offset.
> The configuration here is:
> ORION AT plus samplex SEC 1223 power supply:
> 1KHZ   TT roofing filter in the 1.8 KHZ slot
> 600 HZ Inrad roofing filter in the 1 KHZ slot
> 500 HZ TT roofing filter in the 500 HZ slot
> 250 HZ TT roofing filter in the 250 HZ slot
> all filters enabled(1.8, 0.5, 0.25)
> Offset 500 HZ 190 HZ
> Offset 250 HZ 110 HZ
> Mode LCW on all bands.
> Yes I konw the problem could be the offset of the 500 and 250 HZ filters,
> but why
> only on the bands 20 meter and up?
> Switch to UCW on 20 meter and up do not solve the problem above.
> First time 1 can remember this offsett problem appear since I put the
> original 1 KHZ filter in in
> the 1.8KHZ slot, but not 100% sure about this.
> 73 de Harry, DK2GZ
> a TT-Fan since several years
> TT gear visit my shak in the past 22 years:
> OMNI D, Argonaut, Argonaut II. Paragon, OMNI 6+, TT-Kit 1320
> Never had such kind of problems with the K2/100 and TS570D(G) or
> the TT-gear above
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