[TenTec] Centurian vs Titan

Duane Budd w5ben at arrl.net
Tue Dec 21 09:10:03 EST 2004

Same problem I had with the Titan I. And when it blew the final time (would
you believe a cold solder joint in the p.s.?), it had damaged the finals,
and TT would not replace them. Took a real financial beating on that amp -
traded it for a new Hercules-II sans p.s.

Duane Budd
w5ben at arrl.net

Tom said:

"I just called Ten Tec yesterday, because my Titan 3 just blew up for
the fourth time in two months, and this week, being Christmas, most
of the TT folks are out and they only have a skeleton crew working.
If I were you, I would call again on Monday and see if you get the
same story.

Of course if you want one now, mine is for sale.

Tom - W4BQF"
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