[TenTec] F.S. LDG AT-11MP auto tuner

HBW0MXY at aol.com HBW0MXY at aol.com
Tue Dec 21 11:34:02 EST 2004


I noticed your note about your LDG  AT-11MP tuner for sale.  I am not 
interested in buying it, but wondered if you would mind answering a few questions 
about your remote tuner that you mentioned ?  I presume that you are using the 
RT-11  LDG  remote tuner.  The LDG website is a bit vague about some of its 
characteristics and the small details.    

How do you like the RT-11 tuner ?  How far away from the rig do you have the 
tuner ?  How do you manage the control line from the rig to the tuner ?  How 
long is it ?  Did you get the control line from LDG or make it up yourself ?  
What sort of rig do you use to control the tuner ?  What do you use for a 
tuning indicator ?  Do you use the SWR indicator in the rig, or do you use some 
sort of external device to know the state of the antenna tuning ?

In my intended installation, the rig would be approximately 100 ft. from 
where I would have the remote tuner.  It seems like the RT-11 would be a good 
tuner to use.  

The RT-11 seems like it would fill my needs well, but additional details 
would be helpful.  

73,                  Hal                        W0MXY                         
Colorado Springs, CO

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