[TenTec] Decision Made

KD7EFQ at aol.com KD7EFQ at aol.com
Fri Dec 24 09:36:38 EST 2004

Hello All, I know there's a lot of nit picking, ego bashing etc. on here 
about Orion, and I believe it is an excellent PROTOTYPE rig for future 
SDR/digital/performance applications.

However after NOT seeing a CONSISTENT "it's all OK now" and seeing nothing 
but consistent controversy about Orion, I believe I will go with a new PRO III 
for my next rig if it's receiver specs are comparable to an Omni 5 or 6. I 
still think Ten Tec is an excellent manufacturer with a great history of rigs, 
(and I'm keeping my TT accessories) but I'm getting the feeling that Orion has 
become the Paragon of the 21st century, and not suited for my casual style of 
operating. Too many "loose ends" with it for me.

Hopefully, when TT comes out with a STABLE Orion plus, or Orion II, I will be 
able to afford one then. And thanks to all the Orion owners who are assisting 
Ten Tec with their Beta, Gamma, Epsilon or whatever field testing stage Orion 
is in now. I'm sure the next generation will have no competition, thanks to 
your efforts.

Merry Christmas & Happy new year to all !  

73, Todd - KT0DD - kd7efq at aol.com
"The race is over...THE RATS WON !"

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