[TenTec] IMD Measurements - Yaesu/Inrad vs Orion

kc3m kc3m at suscom.net
Fri Dec 24 12:37:34 EST 2004

Hi Bill 

Thanks for the head's up last night on N2XE/B Copied him great, using my
Orion pre amp off, and an 80M zepp at 30'and 6db of attenuation 

Here's a note from N2XE w/the next Challenge:

Hello Jack,

Thank you very much for the report!  You have the code word correct, it was
"CARY".  The beacon frequency is moving tonite to 3545.5 MHz at 10mW.  A
Christmas present for those who can't hear it below 1mW and a chance to
tweek rigs and antennas for the 100uW runs next week!  Thanks again and have
a very merry Christmas!  73, N2XE

John Ceccherelli
OEM Component Brand Manager
IBM Global Procurement
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Been a ham over 40 years, I love this radio.


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Bill Tippett
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 6:17 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] IMD Measurements - Yaesu/Inrad vs Orion

AA4NU wrote:
 >On the other hand ... folks like W8JI have provided us with solutions that
make the click issue go away ... Tom's site mentions that with the change,
the MP series now becomes one of the cleanest rigs out there.

         Agreed, but in over 15 years, why didn't Yaesu simply make a design
change?  TQC means you correct the process to remove defects based upon user
feedback.  The issue was certainly not a cost issue to implement in
production.  It was a customer non-responsiveness issue.  That is a HUGE
contrast to Ten-Tec in my opinion.  When was the last time you communicated
directly with engineers at Yaesu about anything?  The best I ever got from
their marketing reps about clicks was "What problem?"

 >Balance that with the posts on here, saying a 0.01 cap needs to be added
for the Orion to work properly on SSB ... or that the Orion also clicks on
CW if the menu parameters are not set correct and, ... well ... now who is
the supplier who let what get out of the door?

         Don't believe everything you read on this reflector.  My Orion
works perfectly on SSB without any modifications using my standard Heil
Pro-Set.  I also don't have RF problems running 1500 watts, can hear weak
signals quite well and seem to do fairly well in contests (both modes) and
low-band DX-ing, which was my main reason for buying an Orion.

         BTW, if any of you would like to try a weak signal receiving test,
tune to 3579.6 tonight and listen for N2XE/B north of NYC running 500
microwatts (half a milliwatt) to a dipole up 50'.  He's momentarily off but
should be on again shortly.  If you hear him, copy the 4 letter code word
which is repeated in his message 3 times after MSG.  If you do, send the
codeword to n2xe at arrl.net with a signal report and a description of your

                                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV 

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