[TenTec] Decision Made
eric.sensi at skynet.be
Fri Dec 24 12:47:00 EST 2004
Every 3.169, 3.170, 3.171, 3.172 should be read as 1.369, 1.370, 1.371 and
1.372 of course.
Are you doing some high speed "WC" with our Orion ? :-)
Merry Xmas to all.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]De la part de Bernard(wtrone)
Envoyé : vendredi 24 décembre 2004 18:38
À : tentec at contesting.com
Objet : Re: [TenTec] Decision Made
I have to laugh when I hear someone (who probably has not used an
Orion) comment that he believes that it is "an excellent PROTOTYPE rig for
the future." Come on now, it is here for today!
I waited about a full year before I ordered my Orion last February.
I was concerned about all the "software problems." I didn't want to get
"stuck" with a rig that required fixing every so often. But, I was
impressed with the receiver performance numbers which, thus far, no other
commercial rigs (Yaesu, Kenwood, ICOM) can even come close to without
significant after market modification.
And, NO, I don't necessarily install every new software option that
TenTec offers. My rig came with 3.169 and I did not load 3.170. It was a
while before I decided to install 3.171. I have 3.172 downloaded to my
computer but I have not, thus far, installed in on my Orion. Why? Partly
because I haven't gotten around to it. Partly because the radio does
everything that I want it to. Partly because I'm waiting to see if TenTec
comes out with a quick fix for some of the issues like they did after 3.170.
I can honestly say that I HAVE NOT had ANY of the problems mentioned
on this board! Of course I am not a high speed CW operator but I can say
that the roofing filters, receiver IMD and DSP really work swell on SSB. I
run an Alpha 87A and have not seen any of the so called RFI problems. Maybe
I am lucky, I don't know. But, I do know that I am very satisfied with my
By the way, the Orion replaced a FT-1000 with a NIR-12 which was not
a shabby setup. I can also honestly say that the performance of the Orion
is superior. Of course, that is my subjective opinion, nothing more. And,
the FT-1000 and NIR-12 are now for sale.
This post was not to flame you, only give you another perspective of
someone who is pleased with his Orion.
May you and your family have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.
Bernard, WA4OEJ
----- Original Message -----
From: <KD7EFQ at aol.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 8:36 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Decision Made
> Hello All, I know there's a lot of nit picking, ego bashing etc. on here
> about Orion, and I believe it is an excellent PROTOTYPE rig for future
> SDR/digital/performance applications.
> However after NOT seeing a CONSISTENT "it's all OK now" and seeing nothing
> but consistent controversy about Orion, I believe I will go with a new PRO
> for my next rig if it's receiver specs are comparable to an Omni 5 or 6. I
> still think Ten Tec is an excellent manufacturer with a great history of
> (and I'm keeping my TT accessories) but I'm getting the feeling that Orion
> become the Paragon of the 21st century, and not suited for my casual style
> operating. Too many "loose ends" with it for me.
> Hopefully, when TT comes out with a STABLE Orion plus, or Orion II, I will
> able to afford one then. And thanks to all the Orion owners who are
> Ten Tec with their Beta, Gamma, Epsilon or whatever field testing stage
> is in now. I'm sure the next generation will have no competition, thanks
> your efforts.
> Merry Christmas & Happy new year to all !
> 73, Todd - KT0DD - kd7efq at aol.com
> "The race is over...THE RATS WON !"
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