[TenTec] Decision Made

Lee Crocker w9oy at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 25 01:08:43 EST 2004


I run an openwire fed 80M doublet flat top the closest
 end of which is about 60 ft above the Orion, and a
twin lead fed Windom whose end is about 40 ft from the
Orion, and a couple of verticals and an inverted L, on
the back of the property maybe 120 feet from the
Orion.  No RF in the mic.  I run the open wire within
a meter of the Orion and within 2 feet of the mic.  I
run a 3-500 amp at a KW and an 8877 at 1500w.  I use a
balanced tuner on the open wire, and a T match and
balun on the Windom.  My ground is an 8 ft rod pounded
in directly outside the shack wall, with a piece of 4
ga bus wire running to it.  The wire terminates in a
copper plate which has all the rigs tuners ect
grounded to it.  It's not a particularly fancy set up.

I do master resets when I update the firmware,
otherwise not at all.  I run QSK cw at less than 40
usually closer to 25 or 30.  I have a laptop hooked up
to the rig and run PSK31 on the thing, I can run it
from a remote base on my network.  It's not at all
flakey.  I run N4PY software and the DX lab suite to
control the rig and memories etc.  I use winkey to key
the rig since it is supported by N4PY's software, and
I can use it as a keyboard keyer or use the paddle.  

The radio works good.  I run all bands between 160 and
10 but mostly 80 and 40.  I've worked 150 countries on
40CW and 100 on 80CW and 20 on 160CW since October 4th
2004 (less than 3 months).  After the last hurricane
passed through here, and I put my antennas back up, I
decided to see how many coutries I could work on these
antennas before the year ends.  The geezers I talk to
on 75 all love my dulcid tones.    Not sure what all
the hub bub is about.

Enjoy your Icom, I sure like my Orion. 

73 W9OY

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