[TenTec] Rf shielding+Orion
George R. Griesbach W5GRG
w5grg at comforttexas.net
Fri Dec 24 20:18:08 EST 2004
I have no experience with an Orion, but I have recently swapped radios for a
very late Yaesu FT-1000MP MkV that had been damaged in shipment and needed
the whole front of the radio repaired. I would take exception to the
statement that the Yaesu is better built or better shielded than the Orion
if the Orion is built anything like the Paragon II I have for sale. the
front of the Yaesu is formed steel of very thin gage and full of holes as a
Swiss Cheese, not well shielded at all. The good thing about the Yaesu is
that parts are relatively cheap for it , and they are in stock.
As far as Rf from the Yaesu one ham on eham said that his auto tuner did not
work until he shielded the power cord with split beads to keep the rf on the
outside from getting into the Yaesu and keeping the auto tuner from working
correctly. I don't know if all Mk V's do this , but my tuner will not tune
correctly on 80m with a 80m dipole , so I will be installing some beads on
the power cord. I know I would swap my MK V for an Orion in a New York
Thank You
George R. Griesbach W5GRG
505 River Oaks Rd.
Comfort, Texas 78013
w5grg at comforttexas.net
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