[TenTec] Frequency accuracy...

Martin AA6E msembx-aa6e at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 29 10:06:45 EST 2004

A different method.  Listen on 10 MHz in CW mode and
press "spot".  You can easily hear the beat between
your spot tone and the WWV carrier to +/- 1 Hz.  Right
now, I get 9.999973 MHz, meaning that my TCXO must be
2.7 ppm high.

I haven't bothered to dive in to tweak the TCXO.  Is
that an easy adjustment to find?  

In an "SDR", you might think that the master
oscillator frequency could be tuned from the menu.  In
a more advanced world, the radio could adjust itself
to a received standard.  Very little hardware

73, Martin AA6E

--- Gary Tuck <gtuck at mac.com> wrote:

> While the band was nothing to shout about here today
> and my 
> neighborhood noise was bad--I thought I'd see where
> my readout was 
> compared to WWV.
> This is the method I've used in the past----
> I tune WWV on USB with AGC off.  If the signal is
> strong enough, you 
> can hear the background noise "whoooshing" as zero
> beat is approached.  
> I then check against LSB to make sure it is the
> same.   I get this 
> zerobeat at 9999.953 for 10 mhz WWV and 14999.927
> for 15 mhz WWV after 
> a two hour warm up period.
> Now if this method is OK--my first question, then my
> Orion seems to be 
> aging in the wrong direction.  It used to be off by
> about 25 hz at 
> 10mhz.  I read a post by K6SE a couple of years back
> about adjusting 
> the TXCO.  Any thoughts or wisdom appreciated.  Now
> I know this might 
> be a very small nit to pick but thought I'd ask if
> any are interested 
> or bored enough to reply....
> Gary     W7TEA
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