[TenTec] Binaural CW for Tentec rigs - an easy way

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at tomorrowsweb.com
Wed Dec 29 11:36:25 EST 2004

k7gt at charter.net wrote:

>An easy way to add binaural CW would be to get a
>Timewave 599ZX DSP box. The current firmware has a
>binaural CW mode. I have seen these DSP boxes available 
>used for ~150-200 dollars. The new firmware chip, if out
>of date on the unit, is about $60 from Timewave.
>73  Allan  K7GT
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com
Yes, easy. Not inexpensive (at least for some of us... SM0VPO's solution 
can cost less than $20 and what is wrong with building our own every 
once and a while :) ) and it is DSP/software based so unless it is 
working in the frequency domain and not the time domain (I hope I got 
that right) it will generate significant time delays between input and 
output signals. As most dedicated CW ops tend to enjoy QSK this could 
cause a significant problem.

I have NOT used the 599ZX so my thoughts on it are assumptions only. 
Anyone have one that they can do an audio comparison of input and output 
to see if there is a time shift/delay?

Jerry, KG6TT

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