[TenTec] Triton power level

Allen Smith moses at frontier.net
Wed Dec 29 17:39:24 EST 2004

Dave:  If your pal WA8JOC adjusts power output the way the Triton manual instructs he will not be able to output QRP level power.  With the ALC fully CCW to reduce power level the op is still supposed to advance the drive level until the ALC indicator lights up (on the model 544 anyway) in order to retain ALC control.

Ten-Tec Service sent me this response on December 9th when I asked about turning the power down on a Triton:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Service 
To: Allen Smith 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: Triton IV - 544 QRP

"Dear Allen:

The ALC control will only turn the Triton down to about 20 watts. The transceiver would have to be modified in order to go to 5 watts."

---------------------------------End of Message--------------------------------------------------------------

Maybe Ten-Tec Service's reply only holds for the digital Triton model 544, I don't know.  I found that information to be incorrect anyway.  After I received my lovely Triton IV digital I turned the ALC and the DRIVE controls fully CCW and was rewarded with zero watts output.   I now routinely run it at 5 watts.  Apparently lots of Triton IV owners do this. If the practice somehow has a negative impact on the transmitter's components or the cw signal quality I would like to hear about it.

73,   Allen - N0VA

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