[TenTec] Topband: BDR redux

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Thu Feb 5 16:51:23 EST 2004

Re: N4PY Orion control software:

> >The Threshold may be set via a
> > slider at the left side of the "virtual" Orion control
> > panel when using the N4PY control software.  

> You just sold me the software :-)
> > AGC threshold is printed in uV just below the slider

> Wishing it was in S units!

Bet Carl could do that in a moment,  hi:

S = 0 = -127 dBm = 0.1 uV 

S = 1 = -121 dBm = 0.2 uV 

S = 2 = -115 dBm = 0.4 uV

S = 3 = -109 dBm = 0.8 uV

S = 4 = -103 dBm = 1.6 uV

S = 5 =  -97  dBm = 3.2 uV

S = 6 =  -91  dBm = 6.3 uV

S = 7 =  -85  dBm = 12.5 uV

S = 8 =  -79  dBm =  25 uV

S = 9 =  -73  dBm =  50 uV

S = 9+10dB = -63 dBm = 158 uV

S = 9+~11.5dB = ~-61.5 dBm = 188 uV the maximum threshold
provided by the Orion control.

For the Hawaii Afternoon Net,  during which we have check in's
from all the islands daily,  I find running the threshold up to about
50 uV,  or  S9,  provides exactly audio leveling
for all check in stations running from 5 watts from solar cells
to the usual 100 watts.  The distance span is about 360 miles
from Ocean View near South Point on the Big Island of Hawaii,
up here to my QTH on the South shore side of Kauai.  The
AGC action with this setting completely eliminates QRM from
another net of Spanish speakers,  somewhere far to our East.
Without the threshold set as such,  those guys really cause
a bunch of QRM to me.  Oh, we are on 7.088 MHz,  an
allowable LSB frequency out here in KH6 land.

Interesting stuff!

73,  Jim KH7M

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