[TenTec] Orion diversity reception

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Sat Feb 7 10:35:55 EST 2004

In a message dated 2/7/04 10:06:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, n1eu at yahoo.com 
>>Besides the technical advantages to diversity, I find
the stereo effect makes listening a lot more fun - my
audiophile background perhaps . . .<<

Not only that, but you will find out that sometimes you would hear the signal 
on stereo, but when you switch to individual, it is not there. I did this way 
back with Drake trins (two receivers, one transmitter :-) and wrote about it 
in Radiosporting. 
Also using low inverted Vee sometimes brings signals that no other antennas, 
including 4square or beverages can. W4ZV knows about that, "guru" W8JI 
ridiculed it. 
Using different Beverages in the same or close direction in diversity is fun.

ON4UN remark about phase difference in Orion and not suitable for diversity, 
can be simply cured by using RIT on one receiver to offset the "warble" and 
then tune together. 

I will soon have a look at Orion TX and write up review. I am still clearing 
backlog from vacation in C6AYB. I had "fun" with IC706 in CQ 160m CW contest. 
Probably the world's smallest worst receiver for 160, overloads and has blow 
by filters (but the ergonomics are great :-). I wish Orion empty interior could 
have been compressed so it fits in carry on luggage. I didn't dare to pack it 
in check in luggage for airport gorrillas to have fun with it. They open up 
suitcases, unpack things and throw them back unpacked at their will. One of our 
luggages (with wires) was "inspected" like that and they leave you note how 
proud they were to do it :-)

73 Yuri, K3BU, C6AYB

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