More Re: [TenTec] Orion redefines the meaning of ... AGC OFF

K3BU at K3BU at
Sat Feb 7 15:40:23 EST 2004

In a message dated 2/7/04 2:55:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
btippett at writes:
>>"That means a receiver can handle signals from the noise floor to almost 40 
dB over S9 without analog AGC.<<

That reminds me the "noise floor" thing in Orion. Disconnecting or shorting 
the antenna terminals on Orion produced quite a bit of "noise floor."  This 
appears to be a noise generated by the circuits (IF amp after mixer?) Turning the 
preamp on, increases 
the noise slightly, without moving Smeter.

This would explain or confirm K6SE's findings about the weak signal 
reception, that weak signals can be masked by this internal noise and the few rigs that 
he tested and compared A/B performed better, or heard signals that Orion (and 
Omni VI+) could not. DSP here doesn't help. Turning the preamp on should 
help, providing that preamp has own internal noise lower than the rest of the 
I tried some really weak signals on SSB and using NR DSP with different 
settings didn't help, if anything it wiped it out. (AGC not participating here, 
just weak signal on "quiet" band)
I will get K2 and see how does Orion fare in comparison under "K6SE test".


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