More Re: [TenTec] Orion redefines the meaning of ... AGC OFF

Grant Youngman nq5t at
Sat Feb 7 17:37:54 EST 2004

> Not meaning any disrespect, but I'll offer a prize to
> anyone who can repeat K6SE's weak signal reception
> test results with proper adjustment of the Orion AGC.

I don't think we want to "repeat" that test.

It needs to be done in such a way that there are true metrics for 
performance, that test conditions are known and adequately 
controlled and documented, and that THIS test is independently 
repeatable -- not just one guy on his test bench with equipment of 
potentially questionable calibration and accuracy, or the 4th 
harmonic of his neighbor's electric razor as the signal source, and a 
few cold 807's to round out the experience ....:-)

A result on the order of "sounded louder to me, and Billy Bob and ol' 
Scooter seemed to think so, too" doesn't count  ... 


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