[TenTec] Jupiter ALC mod

Mark Erbaugh mark at microenh.com
Mon Feb 9 10:22:24 EST 2004

The N9VV website ( www.N9VV.com ) mentions a mod to the Jupiter ALC circuit
that is apparently approved by the factory. It involves replacing the 4.7 mF
C107 with 2.2 mF.  The website says that without the mod, the ALC is
clipping at about 80 watts rather than 100.  I have always felt that the ALC
action on my Pegasus was pretty tight. I pretty much have to ignore the ALC
LED as it is on all the time when I talk if I want to get close to full
power out of the Pegasus, so I'm interested in performing this mod. I'd like
to hear if anyone has already done this and what the results were and if
there were any things to watch out for.

Mark, N8ME

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