[TenTec] Omni VI noise blanker

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 16 16:38:18 EST 2004


My experience with the n.b. on my VI/3 has been that it works in some cases 
and not in others.
I would think that any non-random pulsing noise would be the same but 
apparently that is not so.
I have had both kinds.  the n.b. seems to be most effective with weaker and 
what sounds to my ear, shorter duration pulses.  If a nearby line starts 
arcing and the pulsing noise is loud and the pulse duration sounds long, 
(i.e. not a popping ignition type sound) then the n.b. is worthless.
I am no dsp expert at all so my theory, which is that it has trouble with a 
pulse that has a drawn out rise and fall with perhaps not much decay before 
the next rise, may be wrong.


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