[TenTec] v1369 and Sweep

K4IA at aol.com K4IA at aol.com
Tue Feb 17 11:42:02 EST 2004

Interesting behavior.  I just had the NR running and when I turned it off the 
sweep froze.  Turning NR back on got the sweep going again.  Turning off the 
sweep and turning it back on has no effect.  Changing the sweep range to 36 
has no effect.  If the NR is off when the sweep is first turned on, the display 
freezes.  In short, no NR means no sweep.

I turned the radio off and on again and now the sweep appears to be running 
fine.  It has been on about a half hour and still no problem.  I regard this as 
an anomaly and in no way detract from the radio -- just an observation.  

When working properly, the sweep may be slow but it is only a broad indicator 
of band activity and I don't expect to use it as a fine tuning aid.  I don't 
remember the sweep in my 756Pro as being any better, just more colorful.

Radio k4ia
Craig "Buck"
Fredericksburg, Virginia USA

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