[TenTec] Lock the 2.4 KHz Roofing Filter?

K Van Horn W7SV at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 19 22:52:39 EST 2004


When the band is really noisy this works very well on SSB!! I have been
using mine for about 7 months configured like that when the band gets noisy
and I no not want to listen to all that crud off the sides of my desired
signal!! I would say "RIGHT ON OM, FULL STEAM AHEAD!". You have mastered
another trick of Oriondom. Enjoy the ship, she's a bonny lass!!!!!
 I LOVES MINE!!!!! And the best deal about the "BIG O"is that it is made be
TEN TEC, and they listen to and work with their customers and don't look
down their noses at the buyers. They explain how things should work in plain
American English, and if it does not work correctly, they will tell you the
truth and you can have them fix it or they will tell YOU how to fix it.
Strange that such a small company can figure that out when dealing with a
bunch of ham radio hobbyists, and many of our oldest Corporations (and
Government branches) don't have a clue to treat their employees or customers
fairly. Oh hell, I forgot, the Chinese have to eat too!

I guess that TT figured out that our kids also have to eat, so they DO NOT
send their radios to China to have them built by felons convicted of such
things as daring to have 2 children in a Family. I kind of like that warm
fuzzy idea also.

73 es Gud DX,

Kirby, W7SV

------ Original Message ----- 
From: "Bernard" <wtrone at comcast.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:10 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Lock the 2.4 KHz Roofing Filter?

    I have read the Orion manual a couple of times waiting for the arrival
of my new rig and I have a question about the roofing filters.  I mainly
operate SSB and rarely get on CW.  Since the 2.4 KHz roofing filter is not
engaged until the bandwidth is less than 2.0 KHz, would I be better to just
lock in the 2.4 filter and forget about the automatic feature?  I would
think that on a crowed band or working DX on a 5 KHz split that the 6 KHz
roofing would be a little too wide.  And, I really don't like listening to
SSB with less than a 2.0 KHz bandwidth.

    The answer may be obvious after I get to "play" with the rig.

    Comments would be appreciated.


        Bernard, WA4OEJ
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