[TenTec] Jupiter vs 746 PRO
Curt Krelic
k3ey at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 23 15:27:42 EST 2004
So blindly believe that TT is the best in every instance and everyone gave it an honest shot without bias. Sure, ok
My dog can talk too, trust me I know I bought him, therefore it must be so.
Tommy <aldermant at alltel.net> wrote:
I also read all the info on this thread and what I find is this:
The thread inputs come from a group of hams who, like myself, decide for
themself, based on their own comparisons to other manufacturers rigs
sittting on their own desk and operating from their own station set up.
Minute technical analysis is good press, but how a rig perform on one's on
set up and to one's own ears, literally is what determines what each ham is
going to use.
One's opinion is only biased when they make no comparisons.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Curt Krelic"
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Jupiter vs 746 PRO
> I read all the replies to this thread and what I find is this.
> This thread is biased, read it again with an open mind if you believe
> Reminds me of a short wave info-commerical I heard once.
> An old guy was selling magnets you wear for health problems. Callers would
call in only to have the old timer tell them in every instance and no matter
what the particular woe the caller was complaining about, the answer was to
wear his magnets.
> This thread and some others on here go the same way. I do own a TT radio
and why I am on here, but sometimes this reflector sounds like the good old
boys at the gun club all agreeing that gun control is terrible, this is one
of those times.
> There now we have some input as to what the term balance means...
> Long Live TT
> Curt/k3ey
> Bruce Multhup
> Need some help guys. I am think of purchasing the Icom 746 PRO but I
> have heard about all the transmit problems. So several comments have led
> me to the Jupiter radio. I have never owned a Ten Tec before so I really
> don't know much about them. My concern is that the specs for the Jupiter
> on receive sensitivity is not as good as the 746 PRO. This concerns me
> because I like to work 80 meters DX and signals are not that strong. Any
> comments folks and thanks.
> Bruce
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