[TenTec] Re: About the incivility of our posts
Dave Heil
k8mn at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 27 03:08:01 EST 2004
K3BU at aol.com wrote:
> OK, let me elaborate.
> I am for exchange of ideas, arguments, discussing problems, explaining > or learning.
Yuri you'll perhaps understand that to some, your posts might seem to
indicate that they're about mostly arguing and lecturing.
> My modified Drake R4B
> is somewhere 0.1 uV and I needed to crank it up for full sensitivity in > many situations. I related that as requirement by contesters. Ten-Tec is aiming
> Orion at contesters. There was a discussion about not needing the sensitivity on
> low bands. I am relating and pointing out that there is a need and rig should
> not be crippled just because "average ham has noise on low bands" using
> "normal" antennas. Can you point out any other rig that cripples the sensitivity on
> low bands to make it sound "quiet"?
You aren't the only fellow here who is a contester. There is quite a
bit of disagreement with your idea. There is at least the perception
that you've been rude to some folks who weren't rude to you initially.
> Instead of arguing or exploring why do we need sensitivity, you flatly
> dismiss me and my reasoning. Just like W4PA knows better that we do not need PTT
> line on the mike connector for CW.
I don't recall that you "argued or explored". I recall your statements
offered as flat, irrefutable proof. Arguing and exploring doesn't mean
that we all agree with you. I, for example, don't need PTT for CW.
> Instead of just leaving it there, the Orion
> was "improved" in a such way that even Ten-Tec can't bring it back.
That's precisely the kind of remark which endears you to others.
> That's where
> "they know better" comes from. Then the remarks that Orion is not for me
> (because I am so backward?) I have been creaming world records and designed
> equipment long before Scott got smell of burning transformers.
I'm not certain of the reasons for your incendiary remarks. Are we
supposed to genuflect before the altar of Yuri or would it be easier if
we just threw tomatoes at Scott?
> My reference to "TT cult" applies to those who blindly defend shortcomings
> and problems and attack those who bring the attention to deficiencies and
> request improvement or provide suggestions.
Your manner of "requesting" and "providing" can be less than polite.
> You cultists do not see the improvements
> and better radios as a result of our comments.
I've not found the necessity of going through you to obtain better or
improved radios. I'm perfectly capable of commenting for myself and of
doing so to the places where I'm more likely to see results.
> If you are happy with status
> quo, then fine, but do not push and advertise something for contesters, when
> the contesters tell you what is wrong or what could/should be improved if you
> want us to keep buying TT radios.
I'm a contester. I keep buying Ten-Tec equipment.
> The point is that world has progressed, if Ten-Tec wants to cater to serious
> operator's market, then they better try to keep up with competition. Dollar
> improvement here and there can make huge difference. Otherwise they will be
> sentenced to the "homebrewy" category - curiosity.
Could you define "serious operator" for us, Yuri? Is that a term like
"top tier stations"? As far as I can tell, the Orion is the best rig on
the market right now. I'm quite pleased with mine. It took me a couple
of weeks to feel comfortable with the programmable AGC. I'm now
comfortable with the fact that the Orion hears extremely well. Now it
is up to the competition to keep up with TT.
> That's why TT radios were not
> flooding contester's shacks in past. You wanna keep it as the radio for cultist
> that will praise doesn't matter what? Fine, it is there. You wanna have it
> truly top notch, contester's prime rig, then lot of stuff should be addressed.
> Personal tirades and ridicules will not achieve that.
I'm going to guess that we should do as you say and not as you do.
> You will only repel those
> who would be potential customers and want to see the TT radios succeed.
Take a hint from your own words. Tone down the rhetoric. Exercise some
discretion in your choice of words. Try being a little less
confrontational. You might be surprised just how affable many of the
fellows here can be.
> Competition doesn't sleep.
For the moment, they appear to have been caught napping.
> Internet is a great thing, but sometimes few rotten apples can spoil it > for others.
I'm becoming aware of that.
> Why should I argue and take snotty remarks, if I can pick subject,
> write nice article, (get paid) and let those who appreciate it, enjoy it. Those
> who don't, can skip it.
If you argue and give snotty remarks, it is quite likely that others
will argue and return snotty remarks. You aren't going to get such
instant feedback from a magazine article.
> In the past, I was rather selfish, I kept the modification and developments
> to myself, trying to have an edge over others in the contests. It worked, my
> results prove it. Now, when I am trying to help and share some of my expertise,
> I get what I get. I really do not need this, sorry that at the times I might
> seem a bit harsh, but I bite back.
...and often, you bite first if someone disagrees with your ideas or
your tone.
Dave Heil K8MN
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