[TenTec] Help with Scout 555
Bob Stephens
bstephens1 at mindspring.com
Fri Jan 2 07:48:00 EST 2004
What do you mean by "very" when you say "very stiff"? The PTO knob in my
Scout is stiffer than the PTO knob on my Corsair. I guess it's made that
way for stability in mobile and portable use. If the knob is actually hard
to turn, then you have a problem.
73 Bob, KB1CIW
At 09:34 PM 12/31/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>I have just bought and received a used Tentec Scout 555 and the tuning
>knob is very stiff is this normal and if not what can I do to make it free
>wheel better.
>Also looking for the Noise blanker for the Scout.
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