[TenTec] Sloper

KMerzel at aol.com KMerzel at aol.com
Sat Jan 3 09:59:38 EST 2004

Hello All:

Thank you all for the feedback regarding the sloper.  My lot size is 
approximately 50 x 230 with a few trees in back so my main antennas to date have been 
verticals. I felt like experimenting with the sloper for the low bands but the 
reviews left me in doubt. A dipole is not out but the trees would interfere a 

Life is a compromise and the same can be said for an antenna. Yes, getting on 
80 and above is a lot easier than 160. I have never worked the top band 
before. I am not concerned with pile up busting capabilities. A casual qso would be 
fine with me.

Currently I am using a Cushcraft R-5    with good results. My main antenna 
was a Gap Titan Dx. It is temporarily out for repairs. The gap is a good antenna 
but it does
have its peculiarities. Thank you again for all the information.


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