[TenTec] System that's already straining?
Kc9cdt at aol.com
Kc9cdt at aol.com
Sat Jan 3 21:27:20 EST 2004
So. I bought a brand new state of the art, Ultra High End HF Tranceiver that
has a micoproccessor in it that is barely ( to listen to you guys) or even not
adequate to do the total job ask of it?
If that's really true (?) then how could that happen? Why would you cut
corners on an Ultra High End Tranceiver costing $3600?
I think we all know the parts really don't cost that much! It's the
engineering that costs the $$$. So why skimp on the Micro?
For example, the roofing filters cost us $109. ea., So, TT cost... maybe
$75.00 X 4 built in = $300. I have been in electronics oriented business all my
life, so I realize there is a lot involved effecting the cost, but todays parts
are pretty reasonable. Must be as look what you can get in a $800. radio (
Icom 706 MKIIG). I know, not a apples to apples comparison, but you get where I'm
coming from.
So, if this is true about the Micro in ORION, then during testing I'm sure it
(the Micro's performance) it was noticed that there may be a problem for some
I really don't know what to think about this.
To me the issues I notice are:
The tuning issue
The long time it takes to save a voice message
The Time the NR takes to do its thing
But all things considered I love operating the ORION!
My concern is: the 3 things I mentened. AND IS THERE ENOUGH POWER TO MAKE
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