[TenTec] 238 dial cord mod.

David Reynolds k6wrf at gotnet.net
Tue Jan 6 06:45:57 EST 2004

Hi All,A while back a guy listed a mod he did to change the elastic cord to
a return spring on the dial string...
Any how I went looking for the exact Gardner spring he said he used but to
my surprise I couldn't find the same spring number...I went to the Gardner
spring web site and got the specs on the spring and wasn't able to find
anything close...I looked on the web for a supplier and all of them only
sold them in lots of ten so I ordered them..
As it turns out I now have a surplus of them and would be willing to sell
them to anyone who would like one or all of them...I will sell them for
$2.35 each mailed...That covers my cost of the spring plus what it costs to
mail it.If you buy them all I will sell for $1.90 each plus shipping of .45
cents..I already installed mine and it works just fine and I don't have to
ever replace the dial cord again because of the elastic cord....

    tnx es 73 Dave K6WRF

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