[TenTec] Re: Heil ProSet on Orion - reprise

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Fri Jul 23 14:12:30 EDT 2004

Hello Jim,

        Ten-Tec is not a "religious" issue to me.  Yes, you are talking
technical points, all of which have already been made numerous times last
month, but which do not directly address this particular issue.  Instead,
you are aimed at TT and Heil getting together to fix their problem.
However, neither of them will admit to a problem, so I don't want to go
there again.  I'm trying to reach a solution for these few particular
radios for those who are experiencing the exact same problem.  We need to
work out our own solution rather than wait for the big boys to get their
acts together....  No slight was intended or implied.

        73,  Duane

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 11:32:48 -0500 "Jim Brown"
<jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> writes:
> On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 10:46:41 -0500, Duane A Calvin wrote:
> >With all respect, Jim, I'd like to keep this discussion to the 
> technical
> >problem at hand rather than attempt to fix the manufacturers' 
> perceived
> >shortcomings.  
> Huh?  My response is directed precisely at the technical problem at 
> hand, and in 
> precise technical terms. Until you understand the BASIC problem it's 
> hard to 
> come up with a rational solution. 
> I'm sorry if Ten Tec is a religion to some. It is not to me, nor 
> should it be to any 
> rational person. Ten Tec is a very good mfr of ham gear, but no one 
> is perfect, 
> and the issue I have noted is well known to cause problems by 
> coupling hum, 
> buzz, and RF into equipment.
> My response was copied to both Heil and Ten Tec in the hope that 
> engineers at 
> both companies would get together and address the problem (whatever 
> it is) in a 
> rational manner. 
> Jim Brown K9YC
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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