[TenTec] Q: Differences in Corsair vs Corsair-II?

Duane Grotophorst n9dg at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 20:38:30 EDT 2004

--- Matthew Kastigar <mkastigar at obtura.com> wrote:

> Are there any differences between the Corsair and
> the Corsair-II, other than
> paint?  Additional features, reasons for one over
> the other?
> Thanks!
> -Matt  W0XEU

Yes there are a number of differences beyond paint.
One of the major functonal differences is that the CII
has an audio filter that helps with CW ops and a built
electronic keyer. Under the covers there are actually
considerable design differences between them even
though the basic IF mixing scheme is the same. From a
purely practical matter though I've never noted any
real performance differences between the Corsair and
the Corsair II, - for whatever that's worth. These
threads from a few years ago also described some of
the other differences pretty well.




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