[TenTec] Lets talk furniture

Patrick list_patrick at complete-office-installations.com
Sat Jun 5 16:16:45 EDT 2004

  I own an office design and supply business. For what size desk are
you looking? If we have something you can use, I'll let you have it
for cost + shipping. Take a look around our website and let me know if
anything jumps out at you:


  We also have some desks and related items that are a little more
like what you find at OfficeMax or Office Depot. They are at:

look under "Office Furniture" on the right and then under "Desks and

  Let me know a little more about your design objectives and I'll see
what I can get put together. We can also throw in an ergonomic chair
for the same deal if you want something to sit in as well.

  Another avenue is to check out the surplus sales of government
property in your area. A lot of times they will have huge tables sell
for $10 each. I got one for the operating position here which measures
6 1/2 feet wide x 3 feet deep x 2 inches thick. It is solid wood and
came out of an auction of some library furniture. I think I paid $35
for it. One caveat though: sometimes the auctioneer will only sell the
tables in lots of say 5 or 10. If you don't want to bother with
getting rid of the ones you don't use, then watch to see who wins the
bid for a group which contains a table in which you are interested.
Then approach the guy and offer to buy one of his tables right there.
He will usually be glad to turn a little profit in return for not
having to haul another one on the truck. You will usually still get a
really good deal on it.

Patrick Riggins KA4ZNU

P.S. If anyone else on the mailing list is looking for something, I'll
give you the same "ten-tec mailing list members" deal. Just email me
with details of what you need.

> Can someone recommend an operating/computer desk that 
> might be available at a national store? I would like to have 
> 2 levels of shelving for radios and room for a monitor and printer. 
> Appreciate your suggestions! 
> Jeff 
> KT2K 

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