[TenTec] transceiver test

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 7 20:06:36 EDT 2004

I wish all the guys who think their bandscopes on their Pro IIs are 
professional grade spectrum analyzers would read what follows as well.


<<<I wish everyone would read the below statements over and over again until 
is firmly implanted in their mind. HAM RADIO's are not the equipment to be
discussing cycles of frequency accuracy. When you get into accurately
calibrated and frequently calibrated frequency standards, then one can argue
cycles of frequency accuracy...your blowing in the wind if you even think
your ham radio gear is capable of sustained accuracy. And you are a prime
candidate for marketing BS that frequently accompanies ham gear
specifications. It just ain't gonna happen with even a $13k buck ham radio!!

Tom - W4BQF

>But with today's radios an the digital readouts that go to 1 Hz, some
>camp on a number followed by a bunch of zeros and refuse to turn the knob.
>Based on my measurements of some of these of recent design, they are wrong
>more often than they are right.  I say that if one wishes to discuss
>absolute frequency then a $2000 to $4000 radio isn't in the game.  It
>a lot heavier hardware than that.  That's kinda like going bear hunting
>a .22 rifle.  Prepare to get eaten alive.>>>

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