[TenTec] Orion Operation and Functionality

N0KHQ at aol.com N0KHQ at aol.com
Sun Jun 13 11:17:32 EDT 2004

Hello All,

After 10 days of ownership:

Except for the Monitor Level (needs to be increased at least 30% to 50%) and 
the erratic behavior of the Power Meter (needs to be smoothed out) when in 
transmit, I cant find anything that I don't like.

The Sweep function is working very well.

I'm not a CW person so I cant comment on the performance and functionality of 
the rig.

Other than the above, I would say TT has pretty much finished the product.

Any comments? Lets hear them now.


John / N0KHQ / St. Louis

Always on 18.130


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