[TenTec] RF Grounding

N0KHQ at aol.com N0KHQ at aol.com
Tue Jun 15 20:45:58 EDT 2004

Hi Tom,

I read your email on the TT list about your Ham Station RF grounding system.

You asked for assistance, so here it is.

In just a very few words, you have installed the biggest ground loop I've 
read about in a long time. Your antenna system is using your entire station for 
the other half of the antenna.

If your going to run SDR type equipment (Orion, Jupiter or peg), your going 
to have to redo
your RF grounding system.

You should have "One" single point for grounding.......and it aint to a bus 
bar behind your station, it should be on the lug nut on the back of the Tuner 
and thats it. Purchase from TT a TT-1251......put it together and use it.

Any wires, straps or whatever you have going to that bus bar must be 
disconnected and thrown away......including the bus bar. 

Inline with the coax leaving the Orion and going to your amp install a "T-4" 
Line Isolator from Radio works. The linear keying line from the Orion to the 
amp must be wound around a toroid, Radio Shack sells them. 

Your entire station, thats using 115vac, must be a dedicated circuit to the 
service panel, other wise, that harmless little green wire thats running from 
receptacle to receptacle is acting as an antenna and a ground loop.

Computer systems (Orion, Jupiter and Peg) require special power and grounding 
techniques. And, dont let anyone tell you any different.

If your system is setup properly, you can run legal limit with your antenna 
right over the top of your house. 

If your interested, send me an email and I will email back to you 
construction details for the system I run here.

For those hams that dont have RFI problems................thats great.


John / N0KHQ / St. Louis

Always on 18.130


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