[TenTec] Orion Finished?
n2ka at optonline.net
n2ka at optonline.net
Wed Jun 16 14:46:54 EDT 2004
Have you tried disconnecting the station ground consisting of the 3 ground rods from the utility ground, just using the 3 ground rods?
----- Original Message -----
From: Tommy <aldermant at alltel.net>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 7:32 pm
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion Finished?
> I understand what your thinking. But I don't think RFI issues
> would show up
> only when you install a firmware update?
> I also do not think (could be wrong however) I have a ground loop
> problem.I have buried three, triangled 8' copper rods just outside
> my shack window,
> connected together and to the utility power ground system with a
> #2 solid
> copper wire. I bring this ground system into the shack, again with
> a #2
> solid copper wire directly to a 1/4 inch thick, 5' long copper bar
> attachedto the back of my operating desk. My Astron R75 pwr
> supply, the Orion, the
> Titan 3, my KW Matchbox, and my computer are all commonly grounded
> to the
> same copper buss bar. I have a Polyphaser surge protector, screwed
> into the
> buss bar, in the coax run between my Titan 3 and my Johnson KW
> Matchbox. I
> have a 600' run of home made 4" spaced open wire feeders
> connecting my
> Matchbox to my 80m dipole. I use 1" wide, 3/16th " thick copper strap
> connecting the Matchbox and the Titan 3 and the Orion grounding
> points to
> the buss bar; I use a 1" wide copper braid to connect my PC
> chassis to the
> buss bar. So far, I have no evidence of an RFI problem.
> If by a 'line isolator' you mean a current balun, the answer is
> h*** no, I
> would never have a balun of any type in any antenna other than a
> yagi. (and
> no, please let's not start a thread on the 'merit' of
> baluns..please let's
> NOT!)
> I'm sorry, but I can't answer the question ' where is your RF
> ground ?'
> Would certainly appreciate any inputs on how I could improve this
> groundingsystem.
> Tom - W4BQF
> > Since this only happens when you are running the Titan, I would
> suspectan
> > RFI issue - not blaming the hardware or software of the Orion.
> Now,maybe
> > there is something going on in the Orion that is more sensitive
> to RF,
> but the
> > basic problem - and the solution - may have more to do with
> eliminatingground
> > loops, improving the RF ground and isolating the Orion from the
> feedlineand
> > the Titan. Do you have line isolators installed between all
> the componen
> ts
> > and where is your RF ground?
> >
> > k4ia
> > Craig "Buck"
> > Fredericksburg, Virginia USA
> >
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