[TenTec] "New" Ten-Tec Delta 580; Opinions & In sights

mark.milburn at juno.com mark.milburn at juno.com
Fri Jun 18 12:53:29 EDT 2004

I also have a 580.  It's on standby as I have switched to a Jupiter, but
I love the 580.  You're right, I wouldn't count on too much accuracy from
the readout, but I don't put that much importance on that, either.  The
only problem I had with the Delta is the lack of an RF Gain Control.  In
noisy conditions I like to be able to decrease the RF gain, but the Delta
has just the 20 db attenuator and even that is unhandy to use on the back
of the panel.  I have used my Delta for many different modes and it
operated fine wherever I tried to use it.  It is also proven durable for
me.  I bought mine when they first came out and had to send it back to
the factory for installation of the WARC bands, but other than that it
has gone back once for what turned out to be a cracked crystal and once
for just general maintenance.  It's a great simple rig for those that
don't care much about all the fancy memories and such, and comes with the
usual TenTec care for the CW user as well as the fantastic maintenance. 
Guess I'm like Charleton Heston ... they'll have to pry mine from my cold
dead hand.
73  Mark   KQ0I
Des Moines, Iowa

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 11:23:08 -0400 Dennis <dennis68 at optonline.net>
> Hello Fellow Tec-Tec Enthusiasts,
> I recently added to my ever-growing Ten-Tec collection with a Delta 
> 580, matching 280 Power Supply, and Desk Mic w/stand.
> The prior owner had it at Ten-Tec recently for a "check-up" and any 
> necessary adjustments.
> In searching the list archives, I see that a noted "trait" of 580's 
> is that they can be off 2 kHz on the readout when switching between 
> bands because of the crystal sets. Any owners, past or present that 
> would like to share any other insights good and/or bad??? Maybe even 
> a Delta 580 Alumnus exists somewhere??  The Delta 580 is a very 
> appealing rig for me and it looks to be a keeper. Would love to hear 
> from others about it as well.
> 73,
> Dennis NC2F
> http://www.qsl.net/nc2f/
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