[TenTec] IC-7800 Review
aldermant at alltel.net
Wed Jun 30 07:10:07 EDT 2004
Hi John,
You may be right and quite honestly I have been giving that some thought.
The main reason I won't give up on Ten Tec is because for 12 years, I did
have both. An extremely reliable radio with top notch receiver performance.
That is with my original Omni 6. Twelve years of thousands of hours of
intense contesting, rag chewing, chasing DX and running it at it's max CW
speed of 68 wpm. The Omni 6 and the IC-781, without a doubt, were the two
best radio's I've ever had the pleasure of owning. The IC-781 I made the
mistake of selling to help finance my Orion purchase, the Omni 6, someone
will have to pry my dead cold fingers off of it!
Tom - W4BQF
----- Original Message -----
From: "John L Merrill" <jmerrill1 at adelphia.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] IC-7800 Review
> Tommy wrote:
> > It just puzzles the dickens out of me why anyone would be concerned
about the IC-7800. I'm NOT concerned. I own an Orion. I WISH the Orion was a
reliable piece of amateur radio equipment! Over a year after release of the
Orion and we are still dealing with firmware fixes to the basic operation of
the radio. I don't care what's going on with the IC-7800...I would like my
Orion to be a reliable piece of amateur radio equipment!!!!!
> >
> > Tom - W4BQF
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> I guess, Tom, if you want reliabilty , you buy an ICOM. If you want
> receiver performance, you buy an Orion. Too bad you can't have both in
> one, HI.
> 73,
> John N1JM
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