WriteLog and N4PY software - WAS: [TenTec] ORION and IC7800 - Kirby -
Duane Grotophorst
n9dg at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 23:50:14 EDT 2004
--- Charles Greene <W1CG at QSL.NET> wrote:
> Duane,
> Read your fine response.
> Some questions,
> I have been hesitant about registering with N4PY
> software, as other rig
> control software I have used are just pretty
> pictures of the front panel
> and just duplicate rig controls. I am using N1MM
> Logger software
> http://pages.cthome.net/n1mm/. Do you know if it
> integrates as well with
> N4PY software as Writelog? I queryed N4PY and he
> said he was not familiar
> with N1MM Logger.
> I have been operating SO2R with 2 K2s, but one of
> the K2s is the original
> QRP version and I want to keep it that way. So I am
> going to try SO2R with
> one K2 /100 and one Omni-VI, both of which are 100
> watts, and possibly use
> a linear on one or both. Can I do this with one
> copy of N4PY software?
> The final thing is that with the either the K2 or
> OMNI-VI, I'm not sure
> the N2PY program is worth it because of the limited
> functions you can
> control. If I had an Orion, that would be a
> different story. Comment?
I'm not aware of any integration between N1MM and N4PY
software. Though there really wouldn't be any
technical reason why it couldn't be handled by the
same software API level communication method as the
N4PY software and WriteLog now communicate (and it is
a very elegant approach).
I have only briefly looked at the N1MM software, in
the past it did not support VHF contests very well, it
also didn't support many Ten Tec radios, I see that it
now has better support for both. So perhaps with some
more time (and user enhancement requests) it will
integrate nicely with more Ten Tec models and with
Carl's and/or other Ten Tec radio control software.
Curently the main issue I have with Carl's software
and WriteLog running together is with the CW and voice
keyer PTT control. These PTT problems/limitations have
all been clearly identified as being on the WriteLog
side of the configuration. WriteLog is more typically
setup to use the RTS/CTS pins of the same RS232 port
that is communicating with the radio control for the
CW and PTT keying functions. This is not an option
with the Pegasus/Jupiter/Orion(?) because those radios
all need the RTS/CTS pins for RS232 flow control
purposes (which really is the proper way to do things,
spliting the functions of a RS232 port's pins for
completely different purposes is a bit kludgy).
The "CommPTT" option in WriteLog is not able to
diferentiate between the 4 radios (when using the
Pegasus "Rig Type" setting), so that is not an option
at this time either. Unfortunately WriteLog doesn't
(yet?) support 4 radios while also providing a
sepparate, dedicated RS232 port for keying purposes
(my prefered PTT keying method), if it did my
configuration could be made to work correctly since I
am already switching the mic signals between the 4
radios externally anyhow.
Both the K2 and Omni VI will always be somewhat
limited when interfacing to computers since they
cannot be 100% computer controlled. In fact I've
considered both of them for use here, but that major
limitation has kept them out of my shack. Carl's
software is nothing short of amazing when it can have
100% control of the radio.
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