[TenTec] Jupiter compared to Orion

John Sheeley wb4qda at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 6 10:04:44 EST 2004

Hello Dick
       I have a Juipter and a Orion
I am not a conster .
Simply Put.
I love my Juipter . I think  is the best bang for the
buck Transceiver on the market . My Orion is like
having 2 Jupiters with one on Steroids .  The Orion
has 2 rceivers the A receiver Is just amaazing for
weak signals with close station interference and it
has better noise and notching ability than the Jupiter
.The B receiver is just about the same as  the Jupiter
but it has Programable AGC  and the Jupiter doesn't .
You will be happy with either Transceiver
John de WB4QDA

--- Richard Hemingway <rheming1 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I noticed that one of the list members has both the
> Orion and the 
> Jupiter.  What I am wondering is what practical
> difference is there 
> between the two for a non-contester ham with a small
> station, 
> considering the difference in price.  Incidentally,
> is there any 
> difference between RX on the Jupiter and on the
> Sub-receiver on the 
> Orion??
> Thanks,
> Dick, N5XRD
> Plano, TX
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