[TenTec] crisp handheld mic

Bob Stephens bstephens1 at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 8 18:51:02 EST 2004

I'm looking for a punchy, crisp,  clear, hand held  microphone to use with 
my Scout and Corsair. I have had good success with a big "D-104"  but of 
course that  is not very practical for mobile work <g>

I'm thinking of getting Astatic's hand held D-104 or maybe the dual element 
Heil hand held microphone. Has anyone had experience with these  mics with 
Scout, Corsair or other TT rig?  Is the output of the Heil enough to drive 
a Scout or Corsair?  Any other crisp ( high frequency boost) hand held mics 
to recommend?

tnx Bob KB1CIW

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